I support the second amendment, and I will defend the second amendment.
Guns are only a tool, and unfortunately, pure evil exists in this world. If guns didn’t exist, evil would find other means to cause destruction. People have taken their vehicles, drove through a crowded sidewalk and killed multiple people. Are we going to ban cars?
We ONLY need to block individuals with severe mental health issues from purchasing and owing a firearm. We need put more effort and resources into addressing mental health. I believe it is the sole responsibility of a gun owner to secure your firearm and restrict its access to children. Do not punish law-abiding citizens with unnecessary gun control. The best way to stop gun violence is addressing mental illness, education, personal responsibility, and a law-abiding citizen armed with a gun. Gun control from the left is just a political stunt. They are attempting to use victims of mass shootings as a means to be viewed as the “moral” party by advocating gun control. Yet, these same politicians walk around protected by armed guards. The left claim that guns are the biggest threat to the safety of Americans, yet they allow dangerous criminals to run loose on our streets, committing crimes without any consequences. Think about it..